LEASE with GRACE UNITED: Thanks to Barb for shepherding the lease through the Property and Finance Committee and onto the Bishop for authorization of the corporation of SMM to sign the lease. Thanks to our Congregational Council (Warren, Carol, Barb, Jake, Mary, Sue and Shelley) for their diligent work over many months and to our churchwardens Warren and Carol: Warren with his legal expertise in drafting the lease, and to Carol for her care and commitment in overseeing the move-in of Grace United.
HALL BOOKINGS COORDINATOR: Can you help with this ministry? Barb is ready and eager to train you.
Thanks to all who generously support the ministry of SMM and thanks be to God that we are able to donate a total of $2,800 to the following charities fulfilling the commitments we made at Vestry: La Lanterne, Maison Libère-Elles, PWRDF, Today4Tomorow-Diocesan Community Ministries, Wakefield Food Pantry, St Margaret’s Vanier Inuit Ministry, The Anglican Healing Fund, Citizens for Public Justice, and the Chelsea Housing Corporation
SYNOD EUCHARIST: Thurs Oct 28, 7 p.m.: Bishops Charge, the Installation of Archdeacons and Canons and the Blessing of Oils. livestream:
ALL SOULS’ REQUIEM EUCHARIST: Sun, Nov 7, 4 p.m. at the Cathedral. Our Bishop will read the names of those members of our diocese who have died during the pandemic and offer a prayer of commendation for their souls. Let Rev Cathy know of any names you would like added to the prayers,
registration for in-person worship:
A ROCHA CANADA 20th year celebration. You are invited to a free virtual event Nov 6, at 7 p.m. featuring climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe. Register at
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