When are our church services?
Worship service is on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in-person and on Zoom.
Zoom Worship Service Details:
ID: 820 4794 7656
Password: SMM
To be added to the SMM email list for notices and updates regarding worship services, please contact us at: smmchurchchelsea2021@gmail.com
Videos of past services previously recorded are on St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church YouTube Account, for those who cannot attend.
Why do we worship?
Celebration of the Eucharist is fundamental to the Church’s identity. Early in the fourth century, Christians in the North African city of Abitinae were arrested for gathering for the liturgy against the edict of Emperor Diocletian. When asked why, one of the readers in the community said, “Without Sunday, we cannot live.” By “Sunday” they meant the day, the gathering itself, and the Eucharist. Even if numbers are limited to five, we still proclaim sacramentally Christ’s victory over death – the distinctive Christian proclamation in the face of the suffering of the world.
Although the Church is fundamentally the people, our buildings are physical signs and witnesses in our communities. They show that Christianity is a public rather than domestic faith. Although we cannot all gather in the buildings, seeing them can be a way of recalling significant experiences of corporate life and worship.