Every year Churches undertake Vestry meetings. These meetings are open
to all parishioners. They follow an Order of Business that is outlined in the
linked Diocesan Regulations (R.5.05), which includes among other things,
the reports from the Incumbent, the financial statements with Auditor’s
report, the adoption of the budget for the upcoming year, and the
appointment and election of Church Wardens, Lay members of Synod,

Parish Council, etc. https://ottawa.anglican.ca/ado-learning-commons-

Everyone is encouraged to attend this very informative session and to
approach Rev. Caz Ducros or the Church Wardens if you feel called to participate in any
committees or undertake any other functions in the church. The reports will
be circulated no later than a week before the Vestry meeting, so that
everyone has a chance to read and digest them prior to the sessions

St Mary Magdalene, Chelsea : February 23rd at 4 pm and on zoom (there
will be snacks)